Saturday, February 13, 2016

Chicken with Red Pepper Sauce

Yesterday was a busy day and when I finally looked up, it was DINNER TIME!  ACK!  And I hadn't given a second thought to what I was going to make!

I had a huge pack of chicken breasts that I needed to separate and put in the freezer and I had some asparagus....grilled chicken and asparagus?  Boring.  Of course, my "go to", Pinterest, was where I went for ideas.....and up came a recipe for chicken with a red pepper sauce!  Yes!

THIS is the recipe that  liked best....mainly because I had most of the ingredients.  But I never really follow a recipe and I make substitutions when I have to!

So, to start with I made cutlets out of the chicken, put salt and pepper on them and cooked them in my AMAZING grill pan (because it was freezing outside and snowing!).
While those were cooking, I sautéed my onions and garlic.  I used both yellow onion and green onion....because I love green onions, but felt it needed a little more flavor.
And while those were both cooking, I used my mini food processor to blend the sour cream, cream cheese, white wine and roasted red peppers (there's my substitution....but I had a whole jar of them and I love the roasted flavor...and it's quick!). 
Once the onions and my mixture were done, I added them together and let it cook down a little.
Meanwhile, I roasted my asparagus that I had tossed in a garlic infused olive oil.  Once everything was done, I poured the sauce over the chicken, plated it all and.....yummmmm!
More green onions on top.......did I tell you how much I love green onions??
In hindsight, I wish I had used the Vitamix to blend the sauce ingredients.....while I loved the red pepper chunks, I just think it would have been a little time!  But this was really a quick and easy way to make a cream red pepper sauce!  I think it would be amazing over pasta, shrimp, and roasted vegetables!  Let me know if you try it!

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